keine ahnung

Thursday, August 21, 2008

...and I wonder....

I consider myself to be a straightforward, strongwilled, no bullshit type of person. If i need to say something I´ll just flat out tell you. I don´t go around telling other people how I´m gonna let you have it. It´s quite simple actually, you just talk to the person you need to talk, say what you need to say and move on. Take a weight off of your chest, turn a new leaf.

Then again, I´m not most people. Quite difficult to find my type these days. Most people just look you in the eye and flat out just lie. It´s one thing to be a hypocrite to other people, but to yourself?

How do you live with it? It´s like leading a double or (should I say multiple?) life. Because, then again, you are like that with everybody and to everybody you tell a different story. Kind of like Heath Ledger in his role of the Joker. How is it that people can lead such a life?

I figure they must be sad, pathetic, truly lonely people.

...Good luck to them.


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